A root canal procedure is used to save teeth that would otherwise have to be removed. This type of dental treatment becomes necessary in the event that the blood or nerve supply of the tooth, which is known as the pulp, gets infected through injury or decay.
The resultant infection may in turn cause the formation of an abscess. When your doctor informs you that you will need to undergo a root canal procedure, this can be a scary moment if you don’t fully grasp what the procedure involves. Below is a look at some of the reasons why you may require a root canal procedure.
Reasons for a Root Canal
Your doctor will typically recommend that you undergo a root canal procedure in the event that your dental pulp becomes infected. Infections may occur as a result of an untreated gum disease. When your dental pulp gets infected or dies, this will result in a painful abscess within the jawbone. When dead or diseased dental pulp is removed, it prevents infection from spreading to other parts of the mouth, thereby destroying the bone that surrounds the tooth. In the event that a root canal is not performed, the tooth may need to be removed. The nerve and pulp is also removed and the inside of your tooth is cleaned and thereafter sealed.
Symptoms to Watch Out For
Common symptoms of pulp problems include:
· Pain when you bite down on a tooth – You may feel severe toothache pain when you chew or apply pressure to the tooth
· Pain when the tooth is not in use – This will involve severe toothache pain that’s experienced even without using the particular tooth
· Sensitivity to cold or hot food and beverages
· Discoloration of the tooth
· Gums around the infected tooth are swollen – This causes prolonged pain and sensitivity, as well as tenderness and swelling of the surrounding gum area
· A draining boil-like structure known as a fistula is found on the gum next to the tooth
In order to determine whether or not you are in need of a root canal procedure, your dentist will collect the following data:
1. Symptoms that you have noticed – This is typically the presence of discomfort and/ or swelling that signals to you that your tooth has a problem. The dentist will then ask you questions regarding what you have been experiencing.
2. Signs your dentist may uncover – Some teeth will fail to give indication that there is a problem within their nerve space. Such cases are often revealed unexpectedly during a routine dental examination.
When Do I Need A Root Canal Procedure?
Once you notice the signs and symptoms mentioned above, you will need to contact your dentist and make an appointment during which they will evaluate your problem and offer treatment as deemed necessary. Avoid making a self misdiagnosis about your need for a root canal treatment, as this may deter you from seeking treatment during the stage when a different easier and cheaper repair might have been possible.